Benedict Cumberbatch Regrets

Does Benedict Cumberbatch regret having probably the silliest name in life never mind show business. Probably not.

Does he regret doing a Q&A session with the Guardian? Probably not. All publicity is good publicity and here’s some more.

Does he regret answering the following question thus: “Which living person do you most admire, and why? Amber, my aunt, and her boyfriend, Gian Luigi Valino – he has primary lateral sclerosis and she cares for him”. Once more dear friends we find celebs diving deep into the morass of the tragedy model. Boyfriend (note that word) Gian Luigi Valino is a hero for having an impairment. Well done Gian Luigi. Surprisingly Aunt Amber cares for him. Hello!!!! I care for my girlfriend. I also love her, I spend time with her. We have fun together. My word, if i recall correctly, we went out together last night to a party and when she got tired I cared for her so much we came home. So what? Some readers might say. So what? I get tired of being seen exclusively through the confines of my impairments. A lot of us do. We get tired of not being seen as the other things we are and could be. We get tired of having our Aunts asked whether or we take sugar. Does Benedict regret this blandest of all statements? Probably not.

Does he regret this question and answer? “What keeps you awake at night? Fucking foxes.” He should do. Who would he want to know about that? Benny boy fucks foxes?

I dunno really. I’d have thought an actor would have had a love of words. I would have thought they’d know how to use them, even the big ones like ambiguities. That they don’t can be so saddening. It can affect how we feel about our heroes. Knock. Knock. Who’s there? Doctor. Doctor Who? Don’t you know Sherlock.

1 Comment »

  1. Arline said

    I knew Amber Cumberbatch 43 years ago and I can confirm she inspired me too. She is selfless. Rare in today’s society

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